Grant Info

I’m starting to learn about writing grants, initially to secure funding for some ‘special’ programs at Birney Elementary school. It doesn’t really seem like library staff, a Spanish teacher, a counselor, or a nurse should be deemed ‘special’ or extras, but in the current budget conditions, they are.

I’ve started to accumulate some links that I believe will be useful, and I wanted to keep them all handy. If you have stumbled across some that might be added to the list, please send them my way.

San Diego Grants – a listing of San Diego funders, or funders that support San Diego nonprofits

The BetterWorld Trust

Thomas C. Ackerman Foundation

The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance

The Grantsmanship Center

The Foundation Center

The San Diego Foundation – They have lots of resources for grant seekers, both online and in person in their Nonprofit Resource Center.

Index to Sample Proposals – successful k-12 grants

Zuma Office Supply - No Brainer Office Supplies

2 Responses to Grant Info

  1. Alan says:

    Hi, I live in Reno, NV. I was on the BYC website and discovered your site. I’m going to be building a small coop in about a month and think your coop looks GREAT! Very functional and well thought out. Living in town, I have to go small and will get 6 chicks mid October. Do you have any plans or pics you could email me. I’m a carpenter so I won’t have any trouble building this. The only change I may make is building it as a tractor. I’m renting and want to be able to move it around so as not to ruin one part of the yard. Any tips or suggestions would be of great help. I’m starting my first batch of chicks and really looking forward to getting fresh eggs and meat. I envy you for both your self sufficiency and your fantastic location (San Diego) :>) Thanks….Alan

  2. beth says:

    Hi Alan,

    I spent some time looking at other coops and then I read Building Coops For Dummies – it had lots of good ideas. I had a pretty good mental model, but not much on paper. I tried to make a scale drawing in excel – I sent that to you. The overall size is 5′ x 8′. This was the extent of the planning I did.

    There are quite a few pictures here of the build, not much detail though. Build Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

    Have fun with your build,

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