Well – it’s not rocket science, but apparently rain water collection is good for more that just watering your plants. The results are in from the Rain Barrel/Downspout Disconnect Pilot Program sponsored by the City of San Diego Storm Water Department.
“The rain barrel system not only conserved water, but it was also effective at improving water quality by redirecting water away from the hardscape and directing it to landscaping where it can infiltrate into the ground,” said Clem Brown, a senior planner with San Diego’s storm water department.
We’ve got 5 55-gallon drums (from San Diego Water Recycling) and a 275 gallon tote hooked up to gutters here and they’re all just about full from the recent rains. Last year, the water we caught in the tote was enough to get a new peach tree and a new plum tree established. Recently, I’ve been using the water to keep the Cascade hops and the papayas happy.